My dream destination

Hello, my name is Josefina. Today I’m going to talk about a country that not long ago captured my whole attention, that country is Japan.

Anime is a genre of cartoons originally from Japan that I started watching a few years ago, I gave it an opportunity because a lot of people recommended it to me. At first I was skeptical because I couldn’t understand their language, but finally ended up really liking it because the way Japanese people perceive the world and emotions is so different from western view and that immediately impressed me. That’s how I got introduced into their culture and idiom, and now I know a little about them, for example, that they are really respectful towards older people and how to say thank you.

The reason why I want to visit Japan is because I’m really curious about the gastronomy, I see a lot of types of food in anime and everything looks so delicious. Also I want to go to all the temples, mount Fuji and Hitsujiyama park. I would like to study there but the discipline I’m learning, psychology, is not very appreciated by older generations because going to a therapist is seen as a weakness, but I hope younger generations learn about the importance of mental care so I can go there and study!


  1. I think Japan it's a interesting place to visit because they are differents in some things to us. I personally I'd like to live in South Korea someday but there happens the same thing about the Psychology.


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