
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2020

English language

I had the opportunity to go to a bilingual school, but I never cared that much about the language. That changed when I turned 11 because I started to like a British group a lot, but I couldn't understand anything of what they were saying. Since then I gave the idiom a chance and started studying really hard. I think I used to know more about English back in those days, now I have lost a lot of practice. I need to improve in my pronunciation and I feel that this is linked to the fact that I am ashamed to speak English in front of people that I know and do not know. I consume a lot of the English-speaking entertainment industry and constantly learn new vocabulary and how to pronounce it, but I still get anxious. The truth is that I have not thought of a plan to improve my English because it is not a language that I face very often, but the subject of English this semester at college has helped me a lot, especially because I don’t feel that much embarrassed when doing activities in ...

Psychology curriculum

When I was a teenager I had a lot of expectations of how my life was going to be when I graduated from high school and how was going to be in college, but not everything turns out as we plan. I used to listen what others wanted for me, but now I know that only I know what is best for me. Nowadays I can say that I am where I want to be. I think that the curriculum of my career is very complete, I guess that is why I chose this university. In the first two years you learn about social Sciences and psychology in general and then, the final years of the career, you can choose your own courses in order to follow and specialize in a certain branch of psychology. Those are part of our compulsory subjects, but in addition, we must take co-curricular courses of sports or art/cultural, if you do not take them you cannot graduate. I feel that psychology career extension is not that long, but I still have left 4 years to complete it. The workload is not so heavy and it’s a career where you got...


I think that 2020 has been very difficult for everyone. The year started well for me, there were days where I could spend time with my family and friends, but since mid-February everything took a turn and we’ve experienced things that we had never lived before. I live with my mom, my dad and 2 older sisters and, fortunately, we have a balanced family connivance. We have a good relationship, there is a lot of love and support between each other, but recently someone very important to us passed away and it hasn’t been easy. This made me realize that the first thing I want to do post-quarantine is see the rest of my family and hug them. In these extreme scenarios is when we realize that we are an individualistic society and some of our selfish actions have consequences in other people. We can improve our habits, solidarity, respect and many other aspects, so I want to think optimistic about the future of the pandemic and the future itself. My studies always make me feel a little bit...

The future of my studies

Hello everyone! Today I am going to talk about the future of my studies. Yesterday I was talking about this with my parents, I told them that after I finish my career I want to do a magister in the area of psychology I end up liking the most. The reasons to do the major is because in the university where I am currently studying you don´t graduate with a specialty, you are just a general psychologist. On an old blog I said my ideal job is to be in the social/community area, so the course would help me to learn more about this branch and be a good professional. I would like to study abroad, but I think it would be very difficult to me. I am very close to my family and friends, my happiness and mental stability depends on lot in them, so I have to grow up more as an independent person to have de guts to study outside Chile. Social interaction is very important to me so I would like to do a part-time course, in that case I would have time to learn and also have time for sightseeing the c...