The future of my studies

Hello everyone! Today I am going to talk about the future of my studies. Yesterday I was talking about this with my parents, I told them that after I finish my career I want to do a magister in the area of psychology I end up liking the most.

The reasons to do the major is because in the university where I am currently studying you don´t graduate with a specialty, you are just a general psychologist. On an old blog I said my ideal job is to be in the social/community area, so the course would help me to learn more about this branch and be a good professional.

I would like to study abroad, but I think it would be very difficult to me. I am very close to my family and friends, my happiness and mental stability depends on lot in them, so I have to grow up more as an independent person to have de guts to study outside Chile. Social interaction is very important to me so I would like to do a part-time course, in that case I would have time to learn and also have time for sightseeing the country where I go study.

I think doing an exchange or go study abroad is a unique experience, it opens your mind and it helps learning that the world is full of opportunities. I hope someday I have the chance.


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